Family Mottos

Next to our front door is a little craft that is near and dear to our Campbell home, our Family Mottos. This was a simple craft I put together in an afternoon and I think it is a fabulous addition to our home.

We got the frame and matting at Aaron Brothers during their annual Penny Sale when we were purchasing other items so the cost put together was $0.02 - my kind of cost! I then put a list together in excel to manage all the words of our family members and words we want to live by or had special meaning to our home. I put all the words into different categories
  • Family - parents, siblings, nieces, nephews, family-like friends, and grandparents
  • Places - places we have been or have significance to us
  • Titles - Aunt, Uncle, Husband, Wife, etc.
  • Actions - Actions we hope to live by
  • Traits - Traits we hope to instill in our family
  • Phrases - That have a deeper meaning
I then copied them in alphabetical order and placed them into a Word document and selected a font that matched our family. I usually go to to find new and custom fonts to use - for our Motto, we used a Celtic looking one. I also found our Family Crest to include in the center of the whole she-bang. Once I was happy with the complete look, I printed it on card stock paper and framed it. Now that beaut is hanging next to our door to remember to think about our family, remember the places we have been and where we are going next, ponder what our titles in life really mean to us, live our lives and complete actions we are proud of, ensure that our traits are ones we want to pass on, and also see what phrase means to us today.

I hope this inspires a little project that has a deeper meaning for each of us!


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