It has been a while...

Well good morning imaginary friends, as I sit here typing, I glance over at the clock and shrug at the fact that it is just after 4am here, no time like the present, right?! I truly have been lacking in the blogger department and I apologize, my mom is always like, is this going to be on the blog, I tell her probably not; I know I am terrible. I could wane on about how crazy busy life has been but that would be a lie, it is just the mundane usual things and to be honest, B and I are bored out of our minds most of the time. The only thing that keeps us on our toes is that little amazing kiddo named Ainsley. I think it is high-time for an update on here and I am not going to promise to post more because we all know that is an empty threat!

  • I am knocked up again! I cannot believe how different this pregnancy has been, even in the announcement and anticipation. I am due is September so as I am sure you can imagine, I am already quite large and in charge. We already know that we are having another little girl and we could not be happier about that, giving Ainsley a sister is pretty awesome. Whenever we tell people we are having a second girl, their first reaction is "Hope the next one is a boy!" which is a little aggravating, since when do you need to have both genders in your family to feel like it is complete? The shop is closed after this bundle and we have thought about it at length, I would rather not have the experience of a son than go into a more harried state of motherhood. In case you are wondering, B is over the moon about having another girl, Ainsley is such a joy that he can't wait for another little girly girl. I am really excited at the prospect of not being pregnant anymore, this ride is definitely harder than the first go around. Her name will be Adara Lily Campbell and we cannot wait to meet her.
  • Our little family has suffered the worst cold ever and I am still working through this crap almost two weeks since a little brat of a girl hacked all over Ainsley. I know that kids are often sick and it is a fact of life but when a little girl about 5-6 comes over to a stroller and promptly coughs up a lung onto my baby's face, Momma gonna get mad. The worst part was the mother just stood there, watching it and not correcting her daughter. This was a friend of a friend and let me tell you that they will not be friends of ours...I know I sound hateful but damn my throat hurts!
  • I have finally grown enough cahones to start Campbell Comfort Kitchen as a home-based business. I do catering-ish with all my favorite recipes in the Houston area, many of them have been on this blog. It only took B getting laid off (oh yeah, only been a couple weeks, pray for us to find him a new professional home) to really kick my booty in gear, I have been talking about it for YEARS. Visit my facebook page, for all the details and if you know anyone in Houston that needs some food, forward this along.

  •  We try to pick up a show on Netflix for the summer because summer TV is the WORST. We do shows that were popular and have completed so that we don't have to wait to plow through the series. We have done this with Lost which I have no idea how people waited each week, let alone all summer to get the next episode. That show was cray in all the best ways. We have decided on Breaking Bad and so far, we are really enjoying it. My brother always said it was a great show but I was skeptical because my brother and I could not be more different, I was wrong. Maybe we are more alike than I thought...
  • We made a trip to California for Easter and it was so awesome, we got to see our families and share that we were having another little girl. It really made us miss California and having family around. Having kids really makes you aware of the fact that you need some help sometimes and as much as I don't like Hillary Clinton, it does take a freaking village man! We really wish we could go back and B has been applying for jobs there but it also scares us at how expensive housing is. I mean, our house here in Houston would be at least a million dollars in Orange County. That is really hard to wrap our head around sometimes and makes us wonder how people do it out there. Plus the job market is crazy difficult because there are so many qualified candidates in that huge population. I mean, one of B's friends has been looking for a new job for a few years and he is no closer to finding something. Discouraging to say the least. I know our families are really hoping that we can make it back there as much as we do.
  • There have been a couple positive things with B losing his job, one is that he is home and he is not stressed every minute, it has been great. He lost 5 pounds the first week at home, shows what stress does to your body right there. Another thing is right after it happened, B was like, let's go to Austin for lunch. Not one to miss out on chances to venture out of Casa de Campbell, I was all over it. Packed up Ainsley, gave her a little Benedryl (no judgement people) and was ready to try the world famous BBQ at the Salt Lick about 3 hours away. That is by-far the best BBQ I have ever tasted people. The drive was nice, we talked about Campbell Comfort Kitchen, B made some calls to colleagues, and we promptly fell in love with Austin. You know when you just feel at home somewhere? That is what we felt as soon as we drove through town, something we have not exactly felt while living in Houston. Don't get me wrong, we love our neighbors and our house but Houston is lacking "much-ness" to quote Alice in Wonderland. We miss doing things and I hate to admit it, some of the hipster vibe of Denver and California. I should wash my mouth out... But there is something to be said for having stuff to do, Houston is pretty frickin' boring in the activities department, not something we anticipated when moving to the 4th largest city in the United States. Ironically, Austin is small and has more up our alley so we are hoping that we can move there eventually if we stay in Texas. Prayers and fingers crossed peeps!
  • We created Ainsley a big girl room that I really need to take pictures of, take note that I must sneak in there and clean up during a nap time so it doesn't already look so lived in! Because we are blessed with another girl, we will move Ainsley to her new room next month, making sure the move is not because the baby has arrived but more to do with the guardrail finally getting out of backorder. We went super girly and painted the room PINK, it was the cutest thing, we painted while she napped and showed it to her when she woke up and she started clapping at the sight of it. Made us feel like we made the right color choice. We always tried to have an Alice in Wonderland vibe in her nursery but it was more hodge-podge so we went full force in the new room. Again, pictures will need to be taken and posted. She loves going in there though, it makes momma proud.
  • Now I need to get started on Adara's room but the prospect of needing to move has stunted me. B thinks that we have to really go awesome for Adara because Ainsley's room is so fantastic now and I wholeheartedly agree. I am never one to turn down a decorating project! I have a couple ideas, Little Mermaid or classic fairy tales. I am leaning towards the latter option because it is different and fairy tales gives me a lot of ways to take it. Think the three bears, little red riding hood, Rapunzel, all that jazz. Opinions needed!
  • I still haven't even posted Ainsley's first birthday party pictures so here they are. Looking at these, it is shocking how much she has changed since then. Let me go weep in a corner...

  •  And with that, I think I should try to get a little sleep before that beautiful girl wakes up.


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