Weekly Forkfuls

This weeks food loveliness! You can tell by the line up that Fall is definitely back in town - yumm apples and squash...

Friday - 9/23 - Little Caesars - I mean for $5, I could use a little cooking break!
Saturday - 9/24 - Double Roast Chicken with Roasted Veggies and Rice Pilaf with Pecans and Apple Crisp for dessert - The lovely in-laws are coming down for a visit! Allows for an extra chicken to freeze too.
Sunday - 9/25 - Grilled Steaks with Arugula and White Bean Salad and Roasted Potatoes
Monday - 9/26 - Pasta and Meatball Soup with Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Tuesday - 9/27 - Breakfast for Dinner! Probably some eggs and toast
Wednesday - 9/28 - Roast Pork Tenderloin with Potatoes and Butternut Squash
Thursday - 9/29 - Kale, Sausage, and Bean Soup with Sourdough Toast


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