It's been, like, forever...
Hello imaginary and flesh-known friends, it has been forever and a day that I have posted, there has been a lot going on to say the least. We have actually moved to the great state of Texas and dealing with all the craziness that goes along with moving with a baby. I am going to do a stream of thought post and I really intend to post more often but I always seem to make excuses to not do it, so I apologize. I do miss getting to spill my words and not just to my beautiful 7 month old! Most of the things I will touch on, I intend to do real posts about, here's to crossing my fingers that I actually do it!
That is probably enough bitching and moaning for one post and I obviously had stuff to get off my chest, sorry for the outlay! Promise things will be better around these parts! Oh and if you are a flesh-friend (sounds grody right, I need a better term) give this lady a call once in a while, I talk to a baby and a cat a little too much...
- We got to move to Texas because my wonderful and hard-working husband got an awesome new job. We were at a point where we felt Colorado was not our forever home and had been looking to relocate for a while. Just when we gave up hope on this position, a call came out of nowhere that they wanted him and wanted him to start in two weeks! It was crazy to get the house on the market, prepped for showings (hell on earth with a baby), finding a new house, and getting all packed and moved. B ended up starting in Texas a few weeks before Ainsley and I could be with him so we were apart, me being a single mom while packing up our entire life. I have a friend that also did this and she is super woman with three beautiful kiddos to watch over and I honestly don't know how she did it - PROPS Heather, you are my hero. She made it look effortless and it truly is not!
- We ended up selling our house in a couple days to our neighbor's parents so it is super cool that we got to help grandparents be closer to their grandkids. With that, we also had 4 days in Houston to find a new house, insanity! The housing market is crazy-town here and we ended up placing four offers and only getting one, good thing it was on our favorite! I will have to get pictures of the house but there is the whole gang right after we closed on the house!
- One of the best parts of our move was seeing my Grandma in Oklahoma, it was on the way down to our new home and the most relaxing time, much needed after such a stressful few weeks. My Grandpa passed way right after Ainsley was born so we were unable to visit to remember him with the rest of the family so it was definitely time to be with my Grandma. Growing up when I would go, I felt like she lived in the boonies and it was kind of boring but going as an adult, it was the best ever. We took it slow in the mornings, as slow as you can be with a 5 month old at the time, ate breakfast and drank coffee while petting the horse and donkey. Having long talks and enjoying the warm evenings with my Grandma. It was really fantastic and we cannot wait to go again. If we can just convince her to make the trek down to see us!
- The major thing with the move is the first time since B and I have been together, we were off-kilter. The stress of the move alone was a lot but having to do it apart was the worst thing ever. Needless to say, we have decided we are never moving again!
- All the stress and let's be honest, depression, that went along with this time, I gained weight. I feel like Fat Bastard in Austin Powers "I'm unhappy because I eat and I eat because I am unhappy" Seriously! I was so proud of myself with my pregnancy and not gaining a butt-load and I was even my pre-pregnancy weight 3 weeks after I had my little love muffin. But then, I don't know what happened and I am not proud of myself. I have started to become more aware of what is going in my mouth and I am starting to work out a bit. That bit certainly needs to kick it up a notch but we all have to start somewhere. I will most definitely do a post on this - encouragement welcomed!
- That little stinker known as Ainsley has changed so much I feel like in the past couple of weeks. She has two teeth firmly in place and three on their way in, which is crazy and I feel so bad for her, teething is tough work friends. She also knows so many things like, if you ask for a hug, she gives you one, tell her to come and touch my hand, and she does it like tag, peek-a-boo. One of the best things is in the morning, she will talk to herself for about 20 minutes before getting upset that I have not grabbed her yet. Sweetest sound over the monitor for sure. One thing that I find interesting is that she is a pretty serious kid, she observes a lot and it is tough to get a good laugh out of her, she is super smiley and happy but she is almost too smart. We cannot do the same things to get her to laugh after a couple of times, she looks at us like, "Ummm, dull, seen that and you need something better there Momma..." I love her to pieces for sure though.
- It is officially Fall in our house as of this weekend, all the decorations are up. Although, they seem definitely more sparse than in the last house but this house is much bigger, you know for my growing tooshie. I guess that means more shopping is in order! B is all for it, I just hate that Hobby Lobby is only open on Saturdays during the weekend!
- We are overachievers or completely insane but we also had the whole house painted a couple of weeks ago too. Just when we were about un-packed, we thought it was a good idea to live in a work zone for a couple of weeks. IDIOTS! As many of our flesh friends know, we painted our last house entirely by ourselves and it took us the better part of 4 years, holy crap Batman is right. So we made sure we were not going down that path again because it would take us 10 years with a baby running around too. I hated how long it took to get done because it disrupted my life (it is important!) but it looks great. We went a very different route than the last house and I am excited to give y'all (that is what they say here in Texas) a tour of the new and improved Casa de Campbell.
- We, and I mean left cheek and right cheek of my ass, just discovered the greatness that is Blue Bell Ice Cream. They keep having the pints on sale for $1 and you know it is hard for this lady to pass up a deal like that. OMG, best Cookie Dough in the history of man, there is a solid chunk of dough in every flippin' bite! I highly recommend them for anyone who can splurge, they are 99c this week at Kroger, aka King Soopers, this week.
- It was my birfday a few weeks ago and it seems like the older you get, the more anti-climactic it gets. C'est la vie. One fantastic thing about gaining another year under my belt was the amazing present B got me. I have been hounding him for years to get me a DSLR camera and he finally ponied up, after a good guilt trip like any fabulous wife would do. HeeHee, love you babe! Now, I am able to take amazing photos of my family and I think I am doing alright, if I do say so myself. I am the daughter of a photographer...
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