It's been a while...
It has been a rough and crazy few weeks around here to say the least. Casa de Campbell has been full of every emotion possible so I will just do a bulleted (obviously my favorite form of blog post) summary of the going ons.
- B lost his grandfather, Don, a couple weeks back. Grandpa had been fighting for a few years now multiple things including Alzheimers. It got really tough when he broke his hip last fall and was in the hospital since then. It was trully sad, Grandpa was a glue of the family and gave so much to each and every member. B even lived with him for a while in college and he has many fond memories of hanging out with his Grandpa. You will be missed.
- Two days after Don passed, my grandfather passed from a brain aneurism caused by a stroke. It was very sudden and unexpected and it was extremely difficult for me to not be there with my grandma. My grandparents just celebrated their 61st wedding anniversary a few weeks before and my grandpa was going to be 80 in April. He was a great man, always strong and even tempered. He taught me the value of saving and hard work, those values have been extremely important to me all my life. My Dad had a very difficult time with not being able to be there as well. His health is still all over the place and generally not in a positive place. Please pray for his healing, he needs to get well enough to meet this little chickadee!
- The only positive about my grandfather passing was that I was able to see my brother again and this time, his two girls. It has been forever since I have seen the girls so it was great for them to spend a night with us. It was late but we played games and I made some rice crispy treats. It is kind of funny that my two oldest nieces are gluten intolerant and they are from opposite family sides! Rice Krispies are naturally gluten free so it is a fun and easy treat.
- Our dear friends, Jeff and Deb, were here and it was really nice to have some relaxing friend time together. It has been a while since we were out in California for a visit, actually when I was first pregnant with this little peanut! Jeff and B had a great time together, drinking scotch, watching Chappelle's Show, yelling at neighborhood punks, and just talking "man" stuff. It was really cool to see Jeff and Deb with Ainsley too, they are another set of grandparents to her and the love was definitely mutual. Love you guys!
- Little Miss was on a really good sleep streak, it was amazing, she slept for almost 9 hours one night! BUUUUT, the past few nights she has been a tough cookie and only done about 4ish hours. Needless to say, Momma is wore out! She has also had a tough time with naps the past few days and has been super cranky pants. I totally had a breakdown yesterday... It is the ultimate reason to question everything you do as a momma. Why isn't she sleeping, why will she only sleep on my chest, why did she make strides backwards, are the nighttime baths really helping, is it my milk supply, etc. forever.
- My little chickadee (I call her that because her hair makes her look like one of those heritage chickens that you see, especially the white ones) will not take a bottle. She gets so freaking pissed, the angry cry comes out at once and she is looking at it like an imposter has slapped her across the face! I really need to figure out how to get her to take the bottle, I feel like pumping is useless until she will take something other than momma. Help and suggestions are much welcomed!
See the resemblance?!
- Little miss' hair is turning red and her eyes have almost made the complete transition to light brown. We think it is pretty cute. The hair is really hard to tell in pictures right yet, you can see it barely in the above picture. Everyone that sees her comments on her hair, it sticks straight up and there is a ton of it! A lady this weekend actually came up to us and asked how we get it to stand at attention and we totally laughed at her. I wish I could get it to stand down! Every night after her bath, I stroke her hair down in vain attempts to have it lay down... Someday it will be long enough to finally lay down, I am hoping it is 3 inches because it is already over 2!
- Baron has been the absolute best kitty brother and I cannot say enough of how proud of him I am. I actually laid her right next to him and he started purring! He loves her but still hates other kids, my neighbor was over with her toddler and Baron hissed up a storm at the little guy. On one had it makes me sad that he hates other people but on the other, it warms my heart that he loves us so much. We are such cat people...
- My amazing husband surprised me big time on Friday with a present. Not that B doesn't surprise me everyday with his showering of love but it was a fancy present! He got me Jimmy Choo perfume, oh my word I love it so much and he totally picked it out. I have not bought a fancy perfume, i.e. not from Bath and Body Works or Body Shop, since we were dating. It is expensive and I am definitely relishing every spritz. I love you B!
- I am still making dinner just about every night and I am pretty proud of that. Granted, some nights, I don't get started until B gets home because SOMEONE has her cranky pants on and needs constant attention. I will have to dig up the plans from the past few weeks, I have been so bad about writing them in solid places. Here is the plan for this week:
- Saturday - Cider-Glazed Chicken with Browned Butter Pecan Rice
- Sunday - Salisbury Steak with Mashed Potates
- Monday - Spinach, Bacon, and Egg Salad with Cheesy Garlic bread
- Tuesday - Mushroom Pizza
- Wednesday - Beef and Bean Burritos with Salad
- Thursday - BBQ Turkey Meatballs with Stuffing
- Friday - Baked Potato Soup
- Here is a photo dump and I really want to make a better effort to blogging, I need the mental break and I have more to share!
With her Daddy - look at her poof!
I swear that is not her source of food in the photo! Smile!
Dudes, Dudes, Dudes!
First trip to a restaurant, the best way, with besties! Can you spot Ainsley?
Cousin time! We love you Aspen and Kyra!
Girly Jordie impression and Thug-Life!
Smiley! Stupid flash...
The only sight you want to see after a cranky day. Chest sleepies...LOVE HER
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