Random Updates, Belly Pics, and Merry Christmas

I know it has been forever and a week since I have posted on here so I thought it would be good to get on here to do an update and wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. Christmas this year seems to be super lackluster, B and I did not even wrap presents for each other and we are totally cool with it. I think we are so excited for our present that will arrive in about a month that Christmas is pretty meh!

First, some belly pictures - I know everyone loves those! I think my back-end finally is matched by my front-end! I am totally over the vegetable/fruit pictures, they don't seem to make any sense... I am 35 weeks now and it says she is the size of a honeydew melon, let me assure you that my baby girl is much larger than a stupid melon that is in season in the summer so it is impossible to find. I realize now that I should have just taken weekly pictures. Well, for next time, right?!

  • We worked on Ainsley's nursery all day on Christmas Eve and we are finally ready for her, we are anxious! I will post pictures tomorrow of her room.
  • We are actually doing cloth diapers which a lot of people think we are crazy but we are loving it so far. We bought Fuzzi Bunz and we spent a few hours the other day re-sizing them so they are all ready for little miss' tiny bum and then washed them all. I will have to do a post on how they work for our family once we are in the swing of things. I about had a heart attack looking at the prices for disposable diapers the other day, it was $10 for 33 diapers which would last us just over 2 days! It made me thankful that our diapers are able to be worn by wittle babies through potty training.
  • Our freezer is packed with a ton of food, all that prep will be well worth it once she gets here. I am a little sick of cooking, never thought I would get there! My body just cannot take too much time on my feet, 8 months pregnant is serious!
  • I am very thankful that B has this week off, it is so nice to have him here, we are enjoying our last time off with just us and little Baron...We are pretty sure he knows something is coming, he has been a little more clingy lately but we are loving the extra attention. We are very nervous to see how he does with the baby...
  • Baby girl has hiccups like four times a day and it is pretty funny to feel. Brandon was so funny about it, he was all worried that because she has them so much, she was going to have that weird hiccup disease that people have issues with. My doctor totally laughed when I talked to her about it and said that it is totally normal and means her lungs are developed.
  • I took advantage of all the Christmas sales and bought little miss some fantastic clothes, I will need to post pictures of them, they are too cute for words. I cannot wait to see her in them!
  • I know I have more to say but I cannot think of anything right now so I will post nursery pictures tomorrow!


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