Monday Randoms
It has been a little bit since a random post so I thought today was the day, plus I can be completely open about everything now since the peanut and job are out of the bag!
- I am totally loving being at home. I have been super lazy but I feel like I am ready to do stuff frequently and get into a routine. I want to be my normal over organized self and have something planned each day for chores and something fun. I know, I am super interesting! Ideas are welcome if anyone has a chore plan for each day of the week.
- We did basically nothing this whole weekend other than watching the Olympics, they are ridiculously interesting, we were even interested in archery and watching those South Koreans win like they have every since games since archery was introduced. Never would have guessed that South Koreans were so into the bow and arrow, I thought Robin Hood was English?!
- I went to high school with one of the girls on the Women's Water Polo team so I am recording that today, it would be so cool if they won, GO USA!
- Baby Gap just came out with a preview of their fall clothes and it makes me want to know what we are having even more! The suspense is killing me, we seriously looked at clothes yesterday at the mall and I wanted to buy all the boy AND girl clothes so we would be ready! Can you tell I absolutely love the East Coast Preppy look?
- We also saw this amazingly cute hat and almost bought it on the spot. I can make anything look girly with a bow or flower added, right?!
- I am already having a tough time with sleeping, I have pain in my hips. I have no idea if this is normal but it super sucks. I cannot seem to get comfortable and Baron has been needing attention for the past couple of nights. He will stand on my hip and all his weight is in his little paws with feels horrific. I don't know what makes it so bad, he is about 15 pounds so imagine 15 pounds being pushed into your leg with a broom handle, ouchies for sure.
- I have 42 posts drafted that I really need to get on but I am kind of embarrassed because some of them are for waaaaaay long ago, like April...Horrible, I know, but there is some good stuff in them like B's favorite cake that I made for his birthday. Let me know if this is too late to post stuff that happened eons ago...maybe I will just wait for next year and pretend it is from 2013!
- Super weirdness with this pregnancy is that I cannot watch cooking shows or read cooking magazines anymore. They either do not interest me or make me ill thinking about it, strangely enough though, I have been able to cook everyday without issue. I even made fish this weekend and I was totally fine! Making the meal plans have been difficult because of this food aversion and that is why I did not post them for a while. They were definitely made each week because we would starve although we have been eating a lot of soup and sandwiches!
- B traveled for work last week and got to visit the Mall of America to have dinner on the way to his hotel. He said it is way larger than he could have imagined! There is a whole amusement park inside the mall, crazy huge. Plus it was really funny looking at the store directory since there were multiples of the same store, just scattered because people do not walk the whole thing. Like people really need 5 Caribou Coffees or 4 hat stores?! Crazy town.
- Again, I cannot wait to find out the sex of the baby, I know that a ton of people wait until the baby is born, my brother did that with 2 of his 3 babies and he loved it. I am the complete opposite of my brother so I think it is safe to say that I cannot wait! We find out mid-September which cannot come soon enough. I want to get started on the nursery, we have the bones, I will have to post that, but the most fun is the accessories. We are such planners that we started buying nursery furniture before we even started trying for our peanut! I know, it seems like we are crazy, but we did get super awesome deals on everything and those sales happen at the end and beginning of the year which is right when Baby Campbell is coming so everything works out for the best.
- The nursery is now Baron's favorite hangout during the day, I don't know why he loves it so much but it kind of warms my heart. I put Baron in the crib and he took a 2 hour nap, totally loving it! I just hope he has similar feelings once the baby arrives!
- I am totally over the summer, I now have time to go on walks but it is already 80 in the mornings and the stupid mosquitoes are out to eat me alive. Plus our elliptical broke a couple of days before my last day of work! I need to get active though, my energy is finally up and I need to get off my tushie. I am happy to report that I have actually lost 3 pounds during this pregnancy and not because it has gone down the porcelain throne! I need to keep healthy for me and the peanut.
- I know, this is totally turning into one of those momma blogs but that is what is super exciting and happening every day :) It was funny, B was talking to his aunt over the weekend and she was like, "Christina's pregnancy is flying by! 14 weeks already, so fast!" B and I looked at each other and said almost at the same time, "It is going by so slowly!" I guess we have been waiting so long for this gift that we are quite anxious! Plus it was super funny, you could tell she hated the names we have for the baby. The only thing she said was, "How are you spelling that?!" and then she followed with "I am all for different" Hahaha! People are so weird about names, ultimately, we just want a unique name that is not so weird the kid gets made fun of and also has meaning for us.
- My dad is officially in remission from Leukemia which is such a blessing and we are extremely thankful for all the thoughts and prayers. Now we just have to get him a Bone Marrow transplant so his chances of getting nasty cancer again go down hugely. I encourage everyone to get swabbed and maybe you can save a life one day!
- My niece is in the hospital so prayer would be greatly appreciated. She is 9 years old and has some major digestive issues that the doctors are trying to figure out. She is the sister of our late nephew Triumph so they could definitely use all the prayers and thoughts, it has been a tough year for everyone.
- I think that is all I have right now, thanks for reading and thinking of our family!
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