Life Changers

Well, I am officially the most inconsistent blogger on the universe but I have a little secret that might explain my lack of enthusiasm to post here...

 A BABY CAMPBELL!!! Oh my goodness we are excited and the lovely Heather totally caught the signs in my last Random post.

I am almost 14 weeks along now and I have been pretty lucky with the pregnancy, I had prepped myself for a horror show of an incubation. I will definitely start a weekly update, I have actually been writing and taking pictures each week since 10 weeks so I have a little back log to share here.

Plussssssss - I have more time to devote to this blog and the preparation for our little one, my last day at my job was last Thursday! I am beyond enjoying the time to relax and not have stress every day in my life. My wonderful husband has worked so hard for so long to allow for me to stay home, it is truly like a dream come true. To be honest, this past week, I have been a total lazy bum, chilling on the couch with Baron and watching more Law and Order than I am brave enough to admit. I think the lazy streak is coming to an end because I am getting a little restless but I will still make the time for a cap nap or two!

I am excited to document this journey and have this as a reminder for our little peanut of how much his/her Momma and Daddy already love them!


  1. Yeah I did! :) LOL... I'm so excited for you guys! I almost called you the other day to see if you wanted to come hang out, but then something came up... probably a nap! ;) LET'S GET TOGETHER SOON! Even if it's just to sit and chat!


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